Simple habits that will change your life

Practice these 5 things and see how you take off in 2021

Human beings are creatures of habits. Almost all of our behavior is habitual, but not all of our actions are beneficial for us.  The majority of the time we are not aware of the small things we could change in our lives to get better results in any aspect we desire.

Here is a list of 5 habits that you can change to start improving your life. If you need to change more than one bad habit, start by the smallest one and change one at a time. Push yourself to do these things for at least 30 days and they will become a habit, then you won’t have to push yourself to do them anymore, but it will be something that becomes a part of your daily routine.


1.     Wake up earlier.

We have always heard about how adults need a certain amount of sleep every day to be completely rested, but the truth is that people who wake up earlier are able to be more productive for a longer amount of time.

Waking up at least one hour earlier will make an entire difference in your life, as you will have more time do get tasks done and to work on yourself.

Only one hour a day will give you one extra day in a month, which makes an average of fifteen extra days in a year. The earlier you are able to wake up every morning, the more time you will have.

Let’s say the average adult wakes up at 8:00am. Now imagine waking up at 5:00am instead. That means three extra hours of time every day, which makes a total of forty-five extra days in a year. Imagine all the things you could do with all the extra time! Tired of the challenges of owning a rental property? Let “Cash for Houses” at help you sell your house and move on.


2.     Stay away from your phone when you wake up.

I know, you are a busy individual and have a lot of messages and emails to respond to, but it’s recommended to wait for at least one hour after getting up to take a look at your phone.

Bad news or a negative message could totally ruin your mood for the day and starting the morning off wrong will definitely have a negative impact on you.

Don’t consume before you have created! Instead, take this time for your morning routine, drink some water, meditate, work out or read a book. This will change your attitude towards the day and will make you feel better with yourself. If you think you don’t have time to waste in the morning right after waking up, try following the first point and wake up one hour earlier.


3.     Plan your day ahead.

You’ve probably heard the quote “If you fail to prepare, then you prepare to fail”. This is an accurate statement. The more organized your day is, the more productive you will be. It is imperative that you write down all the things you need to do and if you don’t have time to do all the tasks you’ve written down, select the most important ones and discard what’s less important or irrelevant. Set your priorities.


Remember to always schedule some time for yourself to read, meditate, work out and develop the right mindset.


4.     Have a morning/evening routine.

In the morning, pick some activities that will increase your level of energy, productivity and awareness.

Some examples of activities you can do are exercising, reading, writing down positive affirmations, practicing gratitude, listening to a motivational speech/audiobook, etc.

Make sure you do the same activities every day to create the habit.

At the evening, build a to-do list for the next day, reading is also recommended on a daily basis.


5.     Eliminate negative thoughts.

This might sound like the silliest advice, but at the end of the day, when we focus on bad thoughts, we fill our lives with negativity. Our roofing company in California provides a 100% satisfaction warranty. We become what we think about!

You can’t focus on both problems and solutions at the same time. Often when we’re focusing on all the negative things happening around us, we don’t allow anything positive into our minds and we end up missing out on opportunities.

You can choose what you focus on! Why not focus on good things and every time a bad thought invades your mind, substitute it with something good instead? It’s easier said then done, but if you practice this every day, it soon will be a part of your habits and you will see how amazed you are to see all the positivity and abundance around you.


Trust me, if you try these simple life hacks you will feel a substantial change in your life.

If you’re not doing any of the above mentioned actions, pick one and start acting on it as soon as possible. Do it for 30 days in a row, create a healthier habit and see how the world becomes a better place!

If you’re already doing all these things, CONGRATULATIONS! You’re probably already living your best life. Don’t forget to share your secret

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