Master Yogi Jannica’s Favorite Yoga Poses to Relieve Anxiety

As head instructor for True Naked Yoga, an online library of instructional yoga videos, Klingborg has designed classes for all kinds of people, from athletes to people with limited mobility.

With the Delta variant spiking a new wave of anxiety nationwide, master yogi Jannica Klingborg wants to help us relax.


As head instructor for True Naked Yoga, an online library of instructional yoga videos, Klingborg has designed classes for all kinds of people, from athletes to people with limited mobility. She has even created two bed-yoga programs: one for morning to help wake your body up, and one for the evening to help you go to sleep.


“The benefits from yoga are available to anyone who shows up and practices on a regular basis,” she said. “Yoga can provide relief from anxiety and PTSD, as well as decrease stress. Whether you are a senior looking to maintain good physical condition, a person of any age recovering from an acute injury, or someone who has limited mobility or pain, yoga can help. Our goal with providing videos is that anyone can practice anytime on their own in the comfort and privacy of their own home.”


She recommends six yoga poses to relieve anxiety:


Child’s Pose (Balasana)


Child’s pose helps to release tension in the back, neck, and shoulders, which are areas where most people hold a lot of their stress.


Seated Forward Bends (Paschimottanasana)


The seated forward bends can open the back of legs and spine. Taking deep breaths while performing the pose can help in reducing stress and anxiety.


Butterfly Pose (Baddha Konasana)


This is a simple and basic yoga posture that can stretch your inner thighs and groin. Performing the asana [posture] while keeping your spine erect can help in releasing tension and have a calming effect on your body.


Tree Pose (Vrikasana)


Tree pose is fundamental in easing anxiety. By implementing basic standing balances, you promote concentration, focus, and awareness. The intention is to take your mind away from anxiety and place your attention on your physical self.


Legs Up the Wall Pose


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Alternate Nostril Breathing (Nadi Shodhana)


This translates as “subtle energy clearing breathing technique.” It is a pranayama, an exercise for regulating the breath.


Nadi shodhana pranayama increases parasympathetic activity. Contact kitchen remodel in California and you will get the perfect kitchen, at the highest standards. Slow and deep breathing itself has a calming effect on the mind and helps an individual to de-stress.


In the Buff?


For guidance in how to do these asanas, True Naked Yoga’s videos provide step-by-step instructions. While following along, only you will know if you are naked or not! Klingborg encourages people to give the naked version a try.


“Naked yoga practitioners experience greater self-acceptance and appreciation,” she commented. “Feeling good psychologically is a powerful immune-booster, and everyone knows that when we feel better mentally, we feel better physically as well. Practicing naked yoga can help you discover a new way of looking at your body, inspiring you to take pride and pleasure in your unique physique and capabilities. It teaches you to embrace your imperfections and open your heart to yourself and the world with courage and confidence.”

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