How To Create Instagram Content That Followers Love

How to create quality content that is engaging to Instagram users

When utilizing Instagram to expand your business, it is essential to develop an engaging clientele that commits to your brand. But in what ways can you make sure that the posts are engaging to the clients and, consequently, assist in expanding your enterprise on Instagram? Few words: quality content on Instagram.

If you lack the time or capability to capture your own Instagram pictures, don’t be afraid! There are various ways of creating engaging feeds with a fresh appearance for every product that you may be selling. This article precisely describes how to get pictures for your Instagram account, places to find the images, and considerations when using the photos for brand promotion. Additionally, you will receive design tricks to ensure your pictures are on point to Wow! Your audience.

How to create quality content for Instagram and engage users (+ Tips for Design).

  1. Find out ready-to-use templates.

A lot of tools exist to assist you in developing great posts for Instagram, irrespective of you not being a savvy photo user. Tools for online designing such as Adobe’s Spark Post, Venngage, and Canva produces valuable images when it concerns creating irresistible social media posts.

You can use a template to share whatever message you want to pass across, be it a special offer promotion, a new recipe, or changes in the opening time of your business. You can decide on the appearance of the background of the template to either be plain or with patterns or use an image of a product when promoting sales. Posting high-resolution photos of products on Instagram can bail you out in a tricky situation.

  1. Find high-quality stock images

Recently, stock images have had poor representation, but this does not mean that you should not use them. They can facilitate various feeds when used in combination with other images, for example, templates. Visit Unsplash or To get high-quality free stock images. And if you want to buy the stock images, visit Stocksy, you will not miss a suitable image for your market.

  1. Mix it up with a variety of formats

It is crucial to include a variety of content formats at your disposal as a user of Instagram. Attempt using the carousel post to share up to ten pictures at once, creating a feeling of a photo album. Take care not to be too pushy with posting your products. You will need a variety of content themes to moderate things and boost the participation of your followers!

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  1. Repost Instagram content from brands within your market

No time to make your own Instagram content? Well, fortunately, it is not a must!

Probably other Instagram users are doing an excellent work of creating content that interests your audience. Provided you ask permission from Instagram users with brands similar to yours, it is not wrong to repost their content.

To “legally” repost Instagram content, you should do the following:

To get content for reposting, look around for brands with attractive Instagram accounts, similar clients, which are not apparent competitors. Follow them so that you have an update of their recent posts and mark any particular post you think is worthy of sharing by clicking on the bookmark under the post. Following hashtags allow popular associated posts to display on your feed, simplifying the process of identifying content to repost.

If you find a picture you want to share with your followers, DM the owner or comment on the photo to inform them that 1) the content of their Instagram inspire you and you feel your followers too will love the content and 2) to have a go-ahead of sharing it in your feed. Inform them that you will appropriately credit them, and a lot of times, they will be happy for the exposure. Ensure to show them the exact post you have an interest in sharing instead of an ambiguous DM.

you have two alternatives after getting the permission to share the content:

1st alternative: get the picture that needs reposting. Once you have it, upload it on your feed, caption it differently, referring to the account, and tag both the accounts in the caption. You can schedule your posts for automatic publishing with Iconosquare to save time and make the process seamless.

2nd alternative: use a tool for reposting such as Repost for Instagram

Repost for Instagram simplifies reposting photos and videos on Instagram while acknowledging the owners. If you get content for reposting, copy the URL for sharing and open repost.

  1. Work with influencers

If you need more management of your feeds and constant flow of relevant content, consider working with influencers. Since influencers already have a large following, you have a chance to increase your account followers.

  1. Run a UGC campaign

User Generated Campaign (UGC), means encouraging your current followers to develop content concerning a particular topic which you can post to your feed. This will result in more exposure to your products.

 Design tips for creating your own Instagram content

  1. Define a clear focal point.

The concern of Instagram is to make your followers attentive to your photos, and various tricks can achieve that. For example, having a focal point which is clear on your image can attract the attention of your follower. So it is crucial to think about your content before posting it for your followers.

  1. Follow the rule of thirds.

Every photographer knows the rule of thirds. To achieve this rule, you need to assume a 9-grid part over your image, arranging its most exciting attributes at the intersections. Adjust the focal point in one-third of the picture for an interesting shot.

  1. Give an allowance for white space and boundaries.

An Instagram image with borders can be more attractive. This is very true if the picture abides by the previous tips, such as the clear focal point. Boarders provide breathing space for your design elements.

  1. Attentive to contrast and balance.

An image must have contrasting elements to be unique on Instagram. The contrasts may be colors, shapes, fonts, and so forth. It is upon you to decide on an appropriate contrast.


I hope this article has given you some ideas of getting your Instagram account content, and you are ready to get your feeds. Even if you chose one method or use a combination of two or three ways, you will still create a feed that attracts your followers.

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